Gross Indecency Article 0009 Section L Paragraph L

Y’all saw some of Jason’s amazing project in Pink Mince #6, right?


Gross Indecency Article 0009 Section L Paragraph L

In a world saturated with images of sex, the male form still remains the most controversial. Throughout human history, men have sort to control the male image, while exploiting the female form.

The rise of the male nude in the last twenty years has been meteoric, thanks largely to Calvin Klein and the world of fashion. However, the image of man that they have laid bare for us, is plucked and groomed, sanitised and homogenised, lying passive, pretty and (usually) in their underpants. The last taboo remains the penis — obsessed over far more by men than by women. The prolific recreational use of Viagra alone highlights the male obsession with being bigger, harder, longer and faster. But it’s potency lies in it’s mystery — it must be kept under wraps as, laid bare, it may wilt under the spotlight and potential ridicule. Whether male or female, straight or gay, when we gaze upon a naked man, it is hard to look beyond the penis. Oh, that’s a big one, oh that’s a small one, oh that’s a bit bendy

With Gross Indecency I have selected 144 regular and irregular men and have chosen to obscure their genitals, so that we can see the man behind the cock. As a footnote, the collages I have chosen for this purpose are photographs of the genitals of Greco-roman sculptures. In Victorian times, these brazen bronze and marble statues were censored with a fig leaf, so I enjoyed the irony of using them as my modern day equivalent.

In their satin tights

Wonder Woman stars

Gentlemen, were you one of those sensitive boys who usually felt a little out of the ordinary, a little different? Did this ever manifest itself in an ongoing fascination with the likes of lady superheroes or adventurer types? Whether or not you were even girly at all, did you still identify with the likes of Wonder Woman, the Bionic Woman, Batgirl, Supergirl, Spider-Woman, et al?

Paradise Island

For an upcoming issue of Pink Mince, I’d really like to gather stories about what it was like for guys growing up with this particular kind of make-believe, and take a look at why so many of us seem to share it. If you want to contribute some writing, artwork, or photography, let me know. It’ll be fun!

Critical Injury

Oh yeah, Pink Mince

Pink Mince

For the past year or so I’ve been working on this little side project that I’ve been meaning to write more about — a zine called Pink Mince. I was waiting to see how it went, and whether or not it would be something that I’d stick with for a while. Now that it’s been a year and I’ve cranked out 4 issues, an offshoot line of 4 mini-zines, and have the next couple of issues well underway it seems safe enough to declare it’ll keep going for a while. Besides, I’ve just invested so much on printing and reprinting that it has to or I’ll be up shit creek.

It’s mostly gay stuff, but it’s also a lot less straightforward than that. The standard tagline is that Pink Mince is “for the confirmed bachelor of exceptional taste”, but I’ve also described it as “a journal of contemporary typeface design illustrated with pictures of dudes”. My pithy mission statement from its Facebook page says: “We aim to delight, titillate, amuse, provoke, and inspire. (That is to say: we feature jokes and blokes, possibly with a point behind it all.)” It’s also about wanting to make something that tactile instead of just another image on a screen. And it’s about getting to feature contributions from a lot of amazingly talented other people. It’s a lot of things, but mostly it’s fun to do.

Pink Mince 4Pink Mini 4

But like any print publication, it can be hard to seduce people into taking a gamble and coughing up a bit of coin to check it out. But trust me: there’s something real nice about holding it in your hands and taking it slow. Try it.

So yeah, I actually have a lot more to say about what it’s been like to do all this, but that will take a little more reflection. For now, though, word continues to spread and interest continues to bubble up, so why don’t you check out the awfully kind things that these other gentlemen have had to say so far: Gym Class Magazine, Sturtle, SUNfiltered, We Made This.

Awkward Chit-Chat

More than once lately, I have been making small talk with someone I’ve just met — usually a guy, usually one that’s interesting in some way — and he’ll ask if I have a boyfriend, which is easy enough to answer. (No, in case you think I’ve had a mystery man stashed away somewhere. It’s been a while.) But then there’s a follow-up: “Why not?”

Seriously? What the fuck kind of a question is that to ask someone? I suppose it would be simple enough to answer if I’d made a conscious decision, and I could say something to the effect of “I reject heteronormative coupling because I find it politically and socially oppressive.” Really, though, there’s not an answer. If there were a clear reason, then it would probably one that I could address in some fashion.

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