While I was in Montreal last September to see friends and colleagues, talk about gay porn typography, and get a couple of new tattoos, I was asked to have a quick chat:
Category: ultramedia
Souped-up Font Formats
It may not come as a surprise that a lot of my job at this point is yapping about fonts. This talk took place on November 7, 2017 in the Koret Auditorium at the San Francisco Public Library as part of Type@Cooper West‘s Letterform Lecture Series. This recording was made possible by a generous sponsorship from Adobe Typekit.
Marginalized Typography at ATypI
After a trial run of this subject at the Kerning conference this summer, I gave another presentation about the typography of vintage gay magazines, at ATypI in Montreal a couple of weeks ago.
Missing from the clip is my opening joke, which went over well: “The last talk of the day before cocktails seems like a good time to talk about gay porn.”
Marginalized Typography
TYPO Labs: Variable Fonts Progress Report
Fastest upload ever! I just gave this talk earlier today at TYPO Labs in Berlin. I’ve barely slept for the last two days, so I’m surprised that I sound so lucid.
Since last September’s announcement of the new OpenType 1.8 spec, variable fonts have been moving from concepts and demos into practical solutions. This overview will summarize the progress made so far on new fonts, the environments that can support them, and what some designers have already learned to do with them.
Update: And here’s a nice montage of scenes and impressions from the event:
Source Han Serif: An open source Pan-CJK typeface
When I started at Adobe last September, the Adobe Type team had been hard at work for quite some time on a major project: Source Han Serif, a serif-style family supporting pan-CJK languages. This is a follow-up to Source Han Serif, but pushes the scope a little further than that project, particularly in that it turns out to have been the original story for Frank Grießhammer’s wonderful Source Serif, as well.
I didn’t do much for the project itself other than keep an eye on its progress while my better-qualified colleagues finished what they’d started, but thy were kind enough to let me talk about the work and how it fits in with Adobe Type’s overall mission, which IS my job to worry about.
SVA Type Lab
For the last few Summers I have been one of the instructors for the SVA Type Lab, a 4-week course in typeface design here in New York. This year, we’ve been trying to promote the course with some cute short videos:
Valenstein & Fatt
While I was in London recently, I helped my pals at Grey London with a film about why they’re taking on the names of their original founders, Valenstein & Fatt, to talk about diversity in the industry.
I was originally asked to talk about the typeface they chose to recapture the spirit of Grey, circa 1917, but as it turned out I was much more passionate about how hard it has always been for immigrants and other marginalized groups to assimilate into American culture, despite the myth of the Great American Melting Pot.
Valenstein & Fatt from Valenstein & Fatt on Vimeo.
(I begged them to re-kern that logotype, though.)
Update: A second video, with my take on Valenstein & Gray’s choice of Century Schoolbook for their re-imagined brand:
Valenstein & Fatt: The Logo from Valenstein & Fatt on Vimeo.
The Blank-ish Page
This talk took place on Saturday, June 18, 2016 in The Great Hall at The Cooper Union as part of Typographics.
Typographics 2016: The Blank-ish Page from Type@Cooper.
My summary from the program:
It can be difficult to explore possibilities of typography when designers—and especially clients—assume certain things are given, when these variables are not hard limits, just conventions. I want to look at the background of certain defaults of our software, to get people to consider them in some context and think about them more critically.
Tailored Typography
“Tailored Typography”, a talk I gave at the San Francisco Public Library on March 29, 2016, as part of Type@Cooper West’s lecture series
I’ve delivered some variations of this talk in the past. In fact, I believe the first iteration for it was for Type@Cooper in New York. My ideas about the material presented continue to evolve as I learn more doing various bits of research, but this time I was able to be a little more direct in my discussion of some details now that I no longer directly represent Monotype. (There had always been some legal hindrance in my ability to speak as an employee about the manufacturing activities of the Linotype and Monotype corporations in their original incarnations, neither of which are actually the same entity that operates today as Monotype Imaging, Inc. Don’t even get me started on that.)
The basic premise of this talk, though — the relationship of type production to type design — is a big fascination of mine that keeps going deeper all time time, so I imagine someday there will be other versions of this that evolve even further.