Imagine you’re hearing a low wolf whistle

If you’ve come this far, you should know right off the bat that I’m not holding out for some unearthly hunk that’s so far out of my league that I may as well be playing another sport altogether. Attraction is a delicate balancing act of looks, personality, wit, style, and all that other junk. It’s too hard (and it would be too misleading) for a simple guy like me to try and come up with a bulleted list of stuff that makes me all hot and bothered and sappy and mushy. Of course, I also know what will make me lose track of what I’m thinking if I see it walking down the street. So to give you some idea of what sets my hormones a-raging (as far as purely external qualities go), here are a few quick things to look at.

This “Perfect Love” Business Is Horseshit!

I’m pretty convinced of it. I desperately want to believe that such a thing exists, but I’m immediately suspicious whenever people claim to have found it. I think they’re deluding themselves.

Don’t get me wrong. I think love is out there — I’ve gotten to play the game myself a couple of times. I just don’t think love is perfect. It’s not all goodness and light, chickadees and rainbows. Love at first sight — the happy, Davey Jones eye-twinkle, babytalk love — is a crock. It’s lust that somehow manages to make the successful transition to an actual relationship without too much agony along the way. I think love is made up of lots of compromise, patience, friction, and the reluctance to just bag it when the going gets rough.

Even to me, my words sound a little harsh. Although a lot of the last paragraph is paraphrased from the writings of love guru Leo Buscaglia, it nevertheless has the stink of the charred hair of someone who’s been burned. I must be frank — I have been.

Continue reading “This “Perfect Love” Business Is Horseshit!”

The Painful Truth Is It Might Be Worth It

Written by Mark Scarola

“I merely stir, press, feel with my fingers, and am happy,
To touch my person to someone else’s
is about as much as I can stand.”

— Walt Whitman, “Song of Myself”

So, having been informed that the topic of this issue is the ever-elusive “perfect love” (or, as Winnie-the-Pooh might say, “the emotional Heffalump”), I sat down and took pen in hand. Oddly, I simply couldn’t bring pen to paper. At first I thought it might be fear that my current companion would take offense at something I wrote and abandon me, forcing me to rewrite the entire essay. That certainly wasn’t the case, so I stared at the paper for a few minutes, and then it struck me. The problem is that “perfect love” does not exist.

You see, “perfect love” is an oxymoron. Anyone who has experienced love can testify that it is awkward and clumsy, ill-timed and clammy, embarrassing and demeaning, elevating and debasing, and yet there is no greater endeavor. To expect love to be pure joy and elation is to miss exactly what makes it so wonderful. Love allows one to experience the full range and scope of human emotion. The highs give you nosebleeds, and the lows set you up for the bends. Even the time in between is filled with interesting emotional spasms. (Personally, I enjoy the moments following a phone conversation, when I realize I’ve said something very inappropriate, and verbally thrash myself out loud for the next few minutes.) If one experienced only the euphoria and not the nagging doubts, then one is not truly in love but truly moronic. If only the exaggerated moments of self-loathing are explored, then once again, it is not love but phone sex.

True “lovers” are deaf, blind, and mute. They hear the intonations of voice and carefully chosen words of their companion, but are unable to register the meaning of these things, leading them to ask questions like “What do you think he meant when he said he really likes me?” and the inevitable follow-up: “Do you think he really likes me?” One in love sees his lover’s face in microscopic detail, yet is completely incapable of reading its countenance. “What in the world is she staring at?” asks the man who cannot fathom that another might find him attractive. The one in love presumes it is a physical deformity that is being assessed, rather than the beauty he possesses.

Of course, the greatest disability of a person in love, and the one that causes the most pain to those who surround him or her, is the inability to semicoherently express feelings through the use of language. Some try anyway, which is why we are tortured by such songs as “I Can’t Smile Without You,” “I Honestly Love You,” and “Hey, Did You Happen to See the Most Beautiful Girl in the World?” (not to mention “Georgy Girl”). A lover who happens to possess a simulacrum of taste chooses instead to say as little as humanly possible, for fear of blurting out something like, “Hey, you know, Debbie, I just wanna let you know that I got all these feelings and stuff that I got for you and I wanted to let you know because sometimes I think you know but I really don’t know if you do, so I figured I’d tell you.”

Trying to deduce the feelings of your possible mate is perhaps the most anxiety-provoking part of this enigma we call love. And for those of you who need a bit of assistance, I offer an ancient piece of wisdom that I have just recently concocted. My theorem states, “The strength of one’s feelings towards another is directly related to the number of segues used in normal conversation with that significant other.” One who has been smitten by another is often over-cautious when approaching a conversation, especially if the conversation is of no interest to the listener. Rather than directly stating what needs to be said, the conversation is characterized by the use of particularly awkward segues. For example:

Woman: I was thinking that we might see a movie tonight.

Man: That sounds good . . . which reminds me that I just saw a preview
for that new John Waters film, Serial Mom, and I got to thinking that I’d call my Mom because I haven’t talked to her in a while, so I did,
and then I started to feel bad because she hasn’t gone out much since Dad got his goiter, so I invited her along with us tonight, if you don’t mind.

Here we clearly hear the nervousness and hesitance in the man’s words, because I would have rewritten it if we couldn’t. His verbal constipation is demonstrative of his desire to please his companion. Compare this with the speech of a man who has little concern for his prospective mate’s feelings:

Woman: I was thinking that we might see a movie tonight.

Man: Quit yapping, I’m scratching myself.

My theorem is correct! Just as I would have hoped!

Love is buoyant and unsinkable. No, that was the Titanic. Love, in fact, is fragile and easily corrupted. Into each relationship we carry the weight of all our past relationships. We expect love to raise our disenchanted and world-weary spirits and we simultaneously expect it to heal old wounds. What it really does is create new and more painful wounds — so painful that we simply forget about our old scabs, which eventually fall off, leaving us with only the new ones to tend to. Much like a good parachute jump, love must be approached with great fear and determination. (Note: the elderly, those with heart problems, and pregnant women please be warned.) In fact, love is like falling into a bottomless pit with Astroturf walls: one simultaneously feels the euphoria of freefall combined with the intense pain of rug burn when one accidentally brushes the sides.

Despite my obvious wisdom and level-headedness, I would hereby like to let you know that you should discount all that you have read so far. I’m an idiot. I know nothing. I’m in love.

It Just Don’t Come Easy

Welcome, humans, to the second fab-u-luxe trip into the depths of the rumpus
room. As promised, this issue is devoted to “The Search for the Elusive Perfect Love,” a topic near and dear to all of our hearts, presumably. The chat this time has pretty much come to the consensus that love may be out there, and even be worth the painful efforts to find it, but . . .


All in all, this was one hell of a gripe session to put together. Lots of folks bagged on their initial promises to write stories, but that’s okay. Illustrations required hours of thumbing through the books and magazines littering my overstuffed apartment. Without going into the messy details (other than the ones you’ll read about in twenty-one pages), I ran the full-scale of emotions connected with an unsuccessful bid at romance, only to be left with a good story to vent in the rumpus room. Also, I have found myself dirt-poor after putting out issue 1.1, which was slower to catch on than I might have hoped. I don’t even want to get into everything that’s gone down since my family read the last issue . . .

Bitch, bitch, bitch. I’ll stop wallowing in self-pity now (cut me some slack — I just woke up to a rainy Saturday morning in a messy apartment) and get on to the glories of the hot little number you’re holding in your hands. This time around, I’ve invited a few friends, and even a stranger, to spout off on the topic at hand. The results are a nice mix of laughs, fun, and pathos. Like I said last time, this is not for the squeamish or the faint-of-heart: the personal commentary can get pretty raw. On a lighter note, though, we have free stickers in every issue! Seven in all! Paste ’em to your cat, paste ’em on a friend, collect and trade with friends!

Welcome, and remember to wipe your feet at the top of the stairs. There are some snacks and Cokes on the mini-bar, so help yourselves.

Where All Men Are United in the Love of Chicken-N-Waffle

Eddie outside Roscoe'sRoscoe’s the name
and they call me the king,
grandmaster of the chicken
and the waffle thing.
I said read my lips and, friends,
don’t miss a word
‘Cause the grandmaster’s gonna
give you the bird!

Eddie and MattWhen I first saw Tapeheads, I nearly hemorrhaged from laughing during the commercial spot that the two main characters did for Roscoe’s House of Chicken-N-Waffles. I thought the idea was so crazy, so inane. It was a stroke of brilliance on the part of the screenwriter.

Boy howdy, was I amazed when I found out that Roscoe’s really exists. Actually,
there are three of them scattered throughout the greater L.A. area. When
I found out that I was going to be in L.A., I knew that if nothing else, I had to make a holy pilgrimage to this soaring tribute to entrepreneurial spirit.

Roscoe’s is mostly a soul food restaurant, with big hearty meals at good
prices. Despite a tantalizing assortment, I knew I had to have the #20 —
the “Carolina” chicken plate with a buttermilk waffle on the side. This was some good eatin’s — the creamiest butter, the thickest syrup, the tenderest chicken breast. If you have chicken and waffle, trust me: you really have to eat both at the same time. The combo sounds scary, but it’s truly delightful — hot, sweet, and rich.

This place is no secret, either. We showed up right before the rush, apparently.
When we left, totally satiated and deliriously happy, there was a huge line
down the street. Obviously, California cuisine can also mean biscuits, gravy,
grits, and — without a doubt — chicken-n-waffle.

The Yin/Yang Karma Wheel of Self-Love

By David Melito

When contemplating the search for the elusive perfect love, I feel the need
to borrow a phrase from the Diet Coke Diva herself — “Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.” It’s true, Whitney: the greatest love of all is easy to achieve; all it takes is self-confidence. But how do we become self-confident? Can it really be achieved alone? that’s not as easy an answer. You see, Whitney, there are two types of people: those who grew up with a sense of well-being and security, and people like me. We are the Painfully Insecure People (PIP) of the world. What does this have to do with the search for the elusive perfect love? Stick around: it will all make sense.

Continue reading “The Yin/Yang Karma Wheel of Self-Love”

Being Lonely

Written by Weldon Boyd

The music was playing softly, the soundtrack from Beaches. I love the way it flows from a powerful orchestra and Bette Midler’s seductive voice. I had fond memories of that soundtrack; here I was, about to make another memory with that same music melting into the background.

We had come to my house after a night on the town. We started after work by going to happy hour at our local hangout, then progressed to a yuppie dance club and finally back to my homestead. Truthfully, I was amazed that he actually agreed to come back here. I mentioned that I had rented some movies earlier in the week and still had them. He was more than ready to come back and watch them with me.

A couple of beers into the first movie, we shut it off and turned on the radio. I slyly put the Beaches CD into the player, hoping to switch over later without him noticing. We were talking as we always do. If there is one thing about our relationship, it’s that we have some of the best conversations one could imagine. Being the same age, but of entirely different backgrounds, we have many life experiences to share. I loved hearing about his parents, his high school experiences, and his past relationships.

The beer, mixed with my thin blood, was running straight to my brain. I was losing all signs of control and apprehension listening to him talk, staring at his beautiful eyes, and feeling his glow when he laughed.

It was an awkward moment. The conversation had lulled us a little and I was ready. Sitting on the far end of the couch, I gently put my beer back on the coffee table and looked deep into his eyes.

“Paul,” I said, already blushing a deep purple red. “I have a question I have to ask you . . .” The look on his face was one I never expected, although, I really didn’t know what to expect.

Continue reading “Being Lonely”


Media junkie that I am, I naturally checked out a lot of stuff while I was in L.A. In the interest of passing on useful information, here are brief reviews of movies, music, and zines that came my way during my vacation. If you’re one of those people who reads reviews to be up-to-the-minute, move along. These will all be hopelessly out of date by the time you read them.

Continue reading “Checklist”

An Entertainment Bonanza

Me and Mary and ElayneI don’t know if it’s possible to really explain Marty and Elayne. At least, I don’t think anyone could express exactly what it’s like to see them, to hear them.

Marty and Elayne are a husband-and-wife lounge act who perform nightly at a Los Angeles restaurant/lounge called the Dresden. This place is the toniest. It’s all brown velour walls and furniture and gold light fixtures. Circular booths and small tables surround a baby grand piano ringed with a counter and chairs.

Elayne sits at the piano with a pile of sheet music and a couple of extra Casiotone keyboards. Next to her is Marty and his stand-up bass, with a drum kit on the side just in case. Marty is the stone-faced protector of Elayne, the ethereal artist who lives through the music she plays. It sweeps her away, and Marty makes sure everyone respects that. Together, as they’ve done for the last twenty years, they wail out popular favorites and old standards. They don’t just perform simple smarmy covers, though. Every song is transformed into something unique, something unbelievable, something bordering on the incomprehensible.

Without fail, they start every song in a simple way, with either Marty singing in his pitch-for-pitch Sinatra voice, or Elayne in her own jazzy, high-frequency way. After a verse and a chorus, though, the fun begins. Elayne scats. She scats like a cat in heat. She scats in song and plays improvised, otherwordly riffs on the piano. Marty keeps the beat and keeps it strong, plucking or pounding away a steady rhythm that moves Elayne along like a runaway roller coaster. The overall effect seems pretty cheesy, but there’s something about it — something way beyond the humor and the impossible.

You see, these guys have passion for what they’re doing. They’re serious and it shows. If they were just going along in a happy state of shtick, I don’t think it would work. It would be too over the top. This is the real thing, and it makes all the difference. Their enthusiasm is infectious. Of course, I saw people in the room who were watching them with a superior, Lettermanesque shit-eating grin, but most everyone, the people who looked like they kept coming back, was having fun: they all really appreciated Marty and Elayne in a goofy way. Dresden is by no means a cheap gin joint. There’s no cover, but people wouldn’t pay those drink prices if the show wasn’t worth it.

Marty and Elayne perform a huge selection of tunes, mostly on request, like
“Girl from Ipanema,” “Staying Alive,” “Fever,” “Mack the Knife,” “Muskrat Love” and other crowd-pleasers. The most amazing number I heard of them all, by far, was “Light My Fire.” This transcended mere performance. I think it transcended mere music. With Elayne taking the vocal reins and the keyboards, and Marty on the drums, these two wailed away in a frenzy I couldn’t have ever expected. I haven’t seen musicians swept away like that in a looooong time. All hail Marty and Elayne, keeping the sanctity of the lounge alive!