My brain shuts down over webfonts. I can’t muster the will to care. Partially it’s because I really hate designing and building websites and I just don’t want to know more because then it will be easier to avoid it altogether. Partially it’s because I’m waiting to see how much hideousness will result from this incredible race to make a gajillion fonts available for the web, when the browsers, the users, and the fonts themselves just don’t seem to be up to the task yet. Oh sure, there’s potential, but it all seems so familiar. Or, as summarized very neatly by John Hudson in this Typophile thread:
To me, the rush to the web fonts market looks pretty much identical to the rush to the desktop publishing market, so I’m expecting a lot of bad typography and difficult to read text, and the better part of twenty years to clean up the mess. It isn’t good enough to say that ‘if somebody chooses a font that … stinks, that’s their choice’, because typography serves first reader, then the text, and only then the author/publisher.