One thought on “Super Inappropriate”

  1. Hey,
    I’m the chap who recognized you at the Star (of BG) last Saturday. In case numerous others identified you that evening, I’m the one who said I came across your blog while doing some research. I was a bit drunk so maybe wasn’t as coherent as usual, so I thought I should explain.
    In 2007, I was looking into topics for an LLM dissertation I was about to embark upon. I thought a comparative study of US and European laws relating to copyright protection (& the lack of it) for typographic creations would be a great topic. But this turned out to be a very narrow topic so I ended up with a very boring topic (Open Source Software Licenses).
    Anyway, I though your blog was fascinating especially the phase when you photographed yourself everyday. I followed it religiously for a while but hadn’t re-visited until now. It’s changed in tone; definitively less melancholic and more optimistic.
    Perhaps I’m being a bit over-familiar; besides the length of this post is exceeding bounds of acceptability. Must get back to work.
    Have a good week,
    PS: I second this motion:

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