Into the Woods

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In general, I’m partial to wood. I prefer real wood for floors and furniture, and I’m particularly fond of slightly weathered old wood that looks like it’s lived a little. That being said, I have a real thing for totally fake wood-grain patterns — not fake woods or veneers — but stuff that is so fake it’s kitschy. Hey, I never said I was high-brow.

Much to my delight (and further proving my theory that there’s a blogger out there to cover any special interest one could imagine), I just stumbled across It’s (K)not Wood, a blog devoted to all kinds of fake wood things. It’s startlingly comprehensive!

I don’t go for all the stuff that’s made of other things but molded to look like branches and twigs and such, but I’m giddy to find so many faux bois (as they say) delights, such as this way-fun furniture I’ve been coveting for a while now.