When I was glancing through all the submissions for the New Yorker‘s Eustace Tilley contest, I somehow neglected to realize that one of my favorite submissions — a brilliant riff on the classic Vignelli map of the NYC subway system — was done by one Alberto Forero, a fellow Regis alum (and fellow ephemera fanatic) who took over my old post as the school newspaper’s graphics editor back in the day. I also love that the print article about the contest winners shows Alberto’s illustration along with my other two favorites.
I never knew him that well, but like many of the remarkable, talented, trail-blazing guys I know from my Regis years, Alberto is — at the very least — a triple threat: he’s a designer, illustrator, and musician. Go check him out, and maybe send some work his way.
(Speaking of the school newspaper, someday I need to write about how it was working on the school newspaper that turned me from a compulsive doodler into a future typographer, due in large part to my fascination with using a VariTyper machine to set headlines using all the cool Avant Garde alternate glyphs.)
Hey, I didn’t get that issue yet! (Granted the international subscription delivery leaves something to be desired here!) Can’t wait to see it, though.