Ack! OMG! Freaking out! It’s Friday and it’s my birthday and I’m at work and I hate work and I leave the country (for a year? forever?) in exactly two weeks and I have to put everything I’m keeping in storage tomorrow and I have to sell everything else (big sale/party next weekend!) and I have to finish two huge freelance projects and get a haircut and get touch-ups done on my new tattoo and have the dentist put in my new crown and school doesn’t seem to know about the huge sholarship I won and did I mention I’m leaving the country in two weeks and I’m freaking out?
10 thoughts on “Countdown”
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Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
(1) Happy birthday!!! (2) Relax. It’s all gonna work out. Think about palm trees, and happy blue whales.
what chris said. and also think about kittens running through fields of sunflowers and how that does NOT make you allergic. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY VIRGO BROTHER!!!! xoxoxoxoxo
Happy Birthday, Sparky!
Feliz Aniversario, Dan!
1) Happy birthday!
2) I’m sure you’ll get everything taken care of.
Yes! Happy Birthday, o sparky one!
And where do we send farewell gifts, anyway?
Hi Dan,
I tried to talk to you at the party at your sister’s house,but no one gave you the message to call me back (you were taking a nap!)So, my advice to you is the same I gave Patti when she would call me from Oneonta, crying that she wouldn’t be able to do everything necessary to get through her Freshman year. Advice: Don’t look at the whole picture. Just take one thing at a time. Take care of that and then move on to the next thing. She said it really helped. Anyway, love, I wish I could be up there to help you deal with everything but you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs, Mom
just remember WWBD, what would buffy do?