Those wretched “Peaceful Political Activist” buttons aren’t the only alternative to making a ruckus in protest of the Really Nasty Convention next week. The first annual Imagine Festival, of Arts, Issues and Ideas is putting on a number of programs all over the city which may not be expressly partisan, are certainly leaning to the left quite a bit.
My event of choice, naturally, will be on Tuesday, August 31, at 7:00 p.m., when the WYSIWYG Talent Show gathers together an amazing braintrust of bloggers/pundits for what promises to be an incredible panel discussion on blogging and politics. Seriously, check out the details I think this is gonna be great.
Also in WYSIWYG news, I’ve finally responded to the numerous pleas to set up a blog ( on the site for news and reviews about the shows, as well as news about other cool things being done by WYSIWYG alumni. In particular, you may want to peek at this entry for our preliminary list of show dates and topics for the next year. After all, we’re always looking for new talent…
Thanks for posting about this. I was planning to steer clear of Manhattan during the onslaught, but I’d really like to attend this.
ALSO check out the unconvention, an american theatre festival!