Hugs and Kisses

Pink Mince #13 — XOXO — grew into a year-long photo project, but it started as a just a day back in September 2016 when I visited Berlin for Folsom Europe and wanted to have my camera on hand to take some snaps and keep me from feeling too fidgety. I wasn’t expecting to see so many people I’d know over the years, or for one day’s photography to turn into a year of making new friends and documenting the leather subculture.

Order Pink Mince #13 and other issues at

Pansy Craze: The Wild 1930s Drag Parties that Kickstarted Gay Nightlife

Pansy Craze: the wild 1930s drag parties that kickstarted gay nightlife

Learning from Letraset

Learning from Letraset”, a talk I gave at Cooper Union on February 22, 2016, as part of Type@Cooper’s Herb Lublin Lecture Series

Letraset and other brands of rub-down type literally put typography in the hands of the people. Rub-down type made it possible for students, professionals, and everyone else to design with real typefaces, without needing professional typesetting services. A cheap and easy way to experiment with typography and other graphic elements, Letraset put a lot of care into making type easy to use well, but it also resulted in a lot of ways to use type badly, but with interesting results. With some care and attention, however, it was a great way to develop an eye for typography.

This talk was a look at Letraset’s type and other graphic supplies, showing how they put the tools of professional design into everyday hands. It also looked at how people had to improvise with Letraset, and made the most of the materials at hand.

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