Settling In

This will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me, but I’ve got too many things going on at once. I’ve got to relax at some point. Or at least focus on just one or two things at a time.

Luckily, I found time (somewhere in the middle of the five jobs) to finish unpacking my books and clothes last night. The artful arrangement of empty boxes continues to grow, and I have access to more and more of my stuff. I think this is the slowest unpacking job I’ve ever done. At least I have the space to spread out to I can get to stuff while it’s still in boxes.

Drat, Foiled Again

So much for ambiguity. Alas, I can’t say I didn’t see it coming. It’s usually pretty obvious when someone’s not as into you as you’d like him to be. What a pain, though, when it IS really obvious that he thinks you’re cool and fun. So you know you’re going to be friends — possibly even good ones — but you have to deal with all the weird stuff until your disappointment fades away. And I thought I was on to something this time, too. Damn.

Lifestyles of the Queer and Famous

Minor Celebrity Sightings of the Week: I was out at The Cock last Saturday and saw internet personality Jonno, who’s cute but stockier than I thought. I also touched Rufus Wainwright’s butt as I squeezed out of the bar.

Aside from that I guess it was a busy week socially, but I’m feeling a little down about it because of the ambiguous goings on with the first really interesting guy I’ve met in a while. I hate when shit like that brings me down. It seems like such a silly thing to throw me into such a big funk that gets me all lazy and depressed.

Not to mention the ever-looming school tuition issue. That’s a real spirit-booster. Wow, I can’t wait to go thousands of dollars further into debt so I can take a few more classes. This master’s degree better be worth all the hassle and the debt. But ask me about it again when I’m in a better mood and better able to rhapsodize about the importance of education.

Thank goodness I finally bought the South Park soundtrack. Thats’s been making me quite happy. “It seems that everything’s gone wrong since Canada came along. Blame Canada! Blame Canada!”

Continue reading “Lifestyles of the Queer and Famous”

The Epiphany I Was Waiting to Have

My first reaction to the death of my older brother Bobby when I was thirteen was one of sheer confusion. I remember when I found my sister sitting and crying on the steps to our house, and when she explained that the police had found Bobby’s body in a patch of woods near our house, I just wondered how I was supposed to react. When I walked into the house, I encountered a room full of family members either weeping or comforting those who were. A lot of the details of the next few days are pretty fuzzy, but I still have a few impressions of how I dealt with the situation.

The confusion didn’t really go away. I know that on a gut level, I wasn’t that sad about what had happened. I wasn’t close with my brother — he scared and aggravated me more than anything else. He had a lot of problems, and even at the age I was then, I figured out that he couldn’t go on forever if he kept treating himself the way he did. I could tell, however, that I was expected to be upset, even though I was more numb than anything else.

Continue reading “The Epiphany I Was Waiting to Have”

Another Call to Arms, of a Sort

Subject: Neither Quark nor PageMaker is the answer
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 23:39:42 -0400
From: Daniel Rhatigan <>
Newsgroups: alt.zines

Frequently, discussions in this group turn toward the practical discussions of zine-making: printing, computer programs, layout problems, etc. Everybody’s always got a lot of good ideas about how to fix technical problems, but how about some of the design problems that a lot of the questions bring up? Pagemaker or Quark won’t give you a good-looking zine, only good choices will. I’m still a fan of people doing it the old-school way with typewriters or even decent handwriting, but for everyone who’s moved onto writing and publishing in the digital age along with me, let me rant a little of my design philosophy.

At work, in my zines, in everyday life, I’m always grappling with the relationship between typography and technology. As the fields grow more interrelated each day, each demands a greater understanding of its influence on the other, and those of us who dabble in one cannot help but learn more of both. Consideration of the two can allow us to profit from their relationship rather than be thwarted by it.

I have a true love and respect for type, and I know I’m a geek about it. I think the abstract beauty of a single letterform can be breathtaking on its own, but more importantly I think typography is our means of conveying language, integral to how we read and how we communicate. If typography suffers then communication suffers with it, robbed of its full potential. I value the role that typography plays in language, and I feel a responsibility to allow it to play its role as perfectly as possible. Type should help us understand words, and its complexity should never be underestimated.

Perhaps the easiest way to ignore the complexity of typography is to become distracted by the complexity of the technology we use to set type. Though we are now expected to develop expertise with computers, we are not freed from our responsibility to think critically about typography. Computers are powerful tools that have offered us many new opportunities, but they do not offer us solutions to the problems of working with type.

It is easier now than ever before for anyone to put type on a page and have it look pretty clean, but it is also too easy for the finer elements of effective typography to be ignored. This can be the result of too little technical proficiency, too little visual sophistication, or even too little patience to make the adjustments needed to perfect computer-generated type. All designers now working as typesetters also have the responsibility to master the technology that creates their type. Just as we should not allow ourselves to forget the many responsibilities involved in designing with type, we should also not underestimate the complexity of our common tool — the computer.

Computer operating systems and software packages are complex tools that allow us to achieve far more than we may have once thought possible. Conversely, their complexity may limit our abilities if we are not able to work within the parameters of their logic. As with any tool or any printing process, we must be sensitive to the way computers work so that we can make the greatest possible use of them. Once we understand the working of these systems, then we often find that we were limited not by the tool, but by our ability to use it.

My years in school and my subsequent years working for myself and for other people have taught me the importance of design and typography. I have come to believe that they present us not only with opportunities, but with problems that we must solve to aid communication and also to improve our visual culture. I say we should seek the best solutions to these problems, while trying to be clear, inventive, expressive, and efficient. This requires sensitivity to subject, concept, medium, and tool alike.

Don’t fall into the trap and just play dress-up with visual style. If you’re doing your zine out of love, show it all the love you can. Make it as effective and as right-on-the-money as possible. Don’t cheapen your writing or the writing of your contributors by making things look “cool” with funky fonts and clip art that aren’t really supporting the writing or the tone of the zine. Don’t make it too busy just because you can. Don’t think that because your program will let you do something that means it’s a good thing to do. Make good choices, pay attention how truly readable and how true to itself your zine is. I don’t even mean making your zine look slick — if your zine is raw, then use your tools to make it raw. If it’s thoughtful, use your tools to show that.

And keep on keeping on.

The Minefield of Aggressive Language (Part 3)

Subject: Re: What’s considered RACIST in the Zine World
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 16:21:09 -0400
From: Daniel Rhatigan <>
Newsgroups: alt.zines

D. Halligan wrote:

> one also needs to keep in mind that this is a newsgroup revolving around writing, self-publishing, and free speech. I think if it’s important to you to point out words and ideas that offend you, then by all means do. [snip] But realize the free speech that protects your right to voice your opinion is the same free speech that allows someone to say something that may be offensive to you.

Really beautifully stated. And probably a good concept for participants in the newsgroup to keep in mind. I would even go so far as to say that if we’re committed to being writers and self-publishers, it’s our responsibility
to exercise that free speech to its fullest — we’re less bound by the forces
that might keep it at bay. Sure, it would be fantastic if everyone in the newsgroup — and in the world at large — were considerate, rational, and
committed to an open dialogue of ideas. Truth is, that’s not necessarily
the case, and I’d rather argure someone down to the mat or make a personal
choice to ignore them rather than let their unpopular ideas fester behind
censorship until they explode without warning.

The Minefield of Aggressive Language (Part 2)

Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 15:35:00 -0400
From: Daniel Rhatigan <>
Newsgroups: alt.zines

Dolya wrote:

> How can you complain about someone using a word if you use that word yourself?

Easily. The complaint is about use of the use (or misuse) or words, the intent of words, the implications of words. Personally, I don’t think words themselves should be damned, but I can object to the ways they’re wielded. Like I don’t object to baseball bats unless they’re being used to smack someone in the head.

We’re zine publishers, right? Presumably that also means we’re writers — words are our tools and part of the substance of our work. Even if my subjective point of view — I don’t like feeling maligned by strangers — is irrelevant, my objective point of view is still valid. Words have meanings, often multiple meanings, and usually defined by the intent of the writer or speaker. If you are going to communicate with words, use them well. Know what you are trying to say. If you don’t want to offend, see that you don’t. If you want to offend? Whatever — go for the jugular, but know that you are doing it. And be ready to take the inevitable criticism. That’s all.

The Minefield of Aggressive Language (Part 1)

Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 09:44:32 -0400
From: Daniel Rhatigan <>
Newsgroups: alt.zines

Shantia wrote:

> and faggy is not an insult.

Uh-oh, we’re digging deeper into that thorny “use of language” issue

I find it pretty hard not to find “faggy” an insult here. (“…quoting faggy bands like the Flaming Lips.”) The defamatory sense of the word is pretty clear. And the defamatory point of the word is to malign someone or something by implying it has the quality of what is perceived as standard gay characteristics.

That’s not an insult? If the point is to say that the Flaming Lips are admitted homosexuals and no one cares about it anyway, it’s still a callous way to put it, considering that all the taunting that’s made use “fag” and its derivatives over the years. If the point really is to say that the Flaming Lips aren’t that good, then the insult to us fags seems pretty clear. The intent behind the word always means something. And that’s why people need to be responsible for their use of language.

And I don’t mean “responsible” to be steering clear of offensive or impolite words. “Responsible” means use your language carefully, and say what you really mean. Or people might think you mean what you are only saying. Swear like a sailor! Push people’s buttons! But make sure you know what you’re doing, and do it for a reason.

There are a couple of zines out there like “Teen Fag” and “Single Faggot” that are using the words with great care. They’re trying to push some buttons, and throw the word back at the public that might otherwise use it as an insult. that’s pushing some artistic boundaries. Just tossing the word “fag” around liberally by somebody who’s not thinking about the implications isn’t breaking any new ground, it’s just crossing over the same tired ground.

Same deal with this ongoing debate about rascism. Careless use of the word “nigger” isn’t automatically pushing artistic boundaries just because someone has the right to use it. Sure someone has the right use it, but also the responsibility to face criticism for it. I don’t think the post that started all this hoopla used it any way that was going to make people question their own position on rascism. Not do I think it was meant to spark a healthy debate on the subject. It was just thoughtless. And hence insulting to anyone who ever got called a nigger and had a reason to get pissed off about it.

Just like “faggy” is an insult to anyone who ever got called a fag and knew that it wasn’t meant as a compliment.

So even if I am a man-lovin’, limp-wristed, lisping, cocksucking, buttfucking, gerbil-chasing, popper-snorting, disco-dancing, pink-wearing nancyboy, but — and I quote Joe Jackson — “don’t call me a faggot, not unless you are a friend.”


Plan Nine from Chelsea

Gay Black

To the best of my knowledge, this book was not really written by Ed Wood the filmmaker, nor is the gentleman featured on the cover a gay black. My guess is that “Ed Wood” was chosen at the time as a nom-de-plume by the author back in the days when Ed Wood was still something of a cultural obscurity. But I could be wrong. I do know for a fact, though, that the photograph on the cover is not supposed to represent Charlene, the hero/heroine of the book who escapes a tortured youth as a sharecropper to go an become a cross-dressing bitch for a series of con men and thieves.

This little example of vintage “erotica” turned up in a yard sale in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, one day. I really got a kick out of seeing how dirty stories were written back in the good ol’ days of the year I was born. I almost feel a pang of regret that contemporary smut has lost that sense of the hero being really deviant and indiscrete: it seems a lot more thrilling than than the explicit, happy rainbow crap that gets churned out these days.