Are Killer Aibos Inevitable?

I’ve been gushing already about the new Battlestar Galactica on my other site so I won’t repeat my praises here. One of the commenters, though, was bemoaning the new show’s lack of Muffit, the robot pal of young Boxy.

I loved Muffit and miss him in the new show, but the more I thought about it the more I realized he wouldn’t work so easily in a story whose premise is based on a society living in terror of artificial intelligence run amok. There would be too strong a taboo against creating a robot dog that could learn how to love. They’d be too scared it would turn into a nightmare scenario like in Grant Morrison’s We3. Of course, it could also be pretty awesome if it turned into a scenario like the geniusness of We3, but it’s probably not what the writers have in mind.

Still, can’t you just picture it?

MuffitNice puppy

2 thoughts on “Are Killer Aibos Inevitable?”

  1. What’s funny about my comment was that it was meant to be a joke and I guess I really didn’t even make it remotely sarcastic like it was meant to be. That’s plainly obvious when I reread my comment. Oops!
    Oh well. I still wish I had my Muffit action figure.
    You do make a good point about a “robot dog” not being feasible for the general theme of this show. That never crossed my mind at all.
    I do hope they take the Boxy character (who appeared for all of 30 seconds in the miniseries) and perhaps have Apollo become a “father” to him.
    With this Apollo so young and with the tension he has with Adama this could become really good character development.
    Then again, I’m waiting for Starbuck to meet Cassiopeia.
    I don’t think Sci-Fi is ready to do a major lesbian relationship based on the original show’s version.

  2. This revisited series is a must watch, even if you’re not a big sci-fi fan. It’s amazing.
    Must. Not. Bring. Back. Muffet.
    And I’m hoping this Boxey is a sleeper Cylon.
    But I don’t think Starbuck’s gonna find a Cassie. However, after last week’s episode, I think 7 of 9… er, Number Six might have a little snit-fit when Gaius Baltar eventually starts pursuing Starbuck. Was I the only one who thought there was some sort of oral fixation sexual suggestion thing when he gave her “one of the last in the world” hand rolled cigarettes? Followed up with her blowing the smoke in his face, and then the whole Baltar eye-rolling/grin thing?
    Hot. Enough said. 🙂
    After thinking a little more about it, now THERE’S a homoerotic concept to think about, but in reverse. John Colicos and Dirk Benedict together… but I’m not even sure if that’s hot or not.

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