Exactly one year ago, I got home from an afternoon at the Eagle and saw this message from an intriguing cutie. Of course, my questionable self-confidence and overall cynicism about meeting people through apps kept from thinking there was much to it, so I left the message sitting there for a while. But he was REALLY cute and seemed more interesting than the usual options that came my way, so I finally took that initial gesture in good faith and said hello back.
We got on well, and even met up in person a few days later and discovered that we REALLY got on well.
That two-day gap in which I talked myself into writing something back to that cute dude remains the longest stretch of time that @mental-missteps and I have gone without some kind of interaction during this past year. I’m glad I took that chance. The payoff certainly has been greater than I would have ever guessed.
I love that dude. SO MUCH.