Our countdown to International Mr. Leather continues with 1980
Having started late in the first year, there was a determination not to get off to a late start in 1980. “What if we…” conversations were all around, but the hardest thing was the realization that the first IML had been a smashing success. What do you do, Chuck and Dom asked each other, to top that? What do we do to improve on it? On top of such “gotta succeed” feelings, they had to deal with the fact that Patrick Batt, the Gold Coast manager in 1979 who had been the go-to man and the get-it-done guy, was no longer on the team. He had gotten into a disagreement with Chuck over an incident at the bar. The result for him was that he was free to attend IML without having to do anything. For IML, it meant rethinking, reinventing and finding new ways. International Mr. Leather, Inc.