My Daguerreotype Boyfriend

Vintage hottie

While I’m tempted to just repost every single image from My Daguerreotype Boyfriend, I’ll show some restraint and just make this one choice and urge you follow along the site itself. Or, if this sort of thing resonates with you, you might consider picking up Leftover Beefcake, the latest Pink Mini. This sort of thing is certainly right up my alley.

Archival material: NYC edition

Photo by Rebecca Cooney for New York TodayA decade ago, which is essentially a lifetime ago, the New York Times had a web-only site about living in New York, and featured me in a weekly column about homes/apartments in the city. While I’m impressed that the article and accompanying slideshow are still online, I’m making an effort to gather up things like this and store them here for posterity, just in case.

[To be honest, I’m also just having a bout of nostalgia for the days when I lived alone an had a lot of space to myself for gathering treasure and doing cool stuff.]

So let’s take a little wistful trip down memory lane, past all the awful (and occasionally lovely) things that have happened since then.

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