(via fluffydaze)
Month: August 2010
Serves him right!
Filth for future reference

I’m amazed that I never stumbled across this interview with John Waters before, since it was in BUTT years ago. However, I’ve worked about 14 hours today and I’m too tired to concentrate even on a pleasant surprise like this, so I’m just pass out and leave it linked here for you to enjoy until I get a chance to come back to it.
Update: Best quote from the interview: “You can’t get AIDS from sitting on a pie.”
Camp Records
Status Report
This week, my childhood idol Jaime Sommers shall provide you wih a dramatic interpretation of my current feelings about my work/life balance:
The kisses are for the other girls!
Confession time: This is basically what runs through my head most of the time. I have moments of slightly more self-confidence, but they’re fleeting, and generally decimated by the stark reality of my day-to-day life.
[Another gem from Comically Vintage.]
The Scent of Men
(via blueguitar)