
Well, it was nice enough for work to issue my January paycheck a week early so I could make it through Christmas. Still, looking at my budget projections for the next month, my only chance for solvency for the next five weeks is to eliminate entertainment, train tickets to work, and food. Time to see what else I can sell on eBay, it seems.

Happy New Year!

Growing Up Heroes

A lot of single-theme blogs come and go, but I hope Growing Up Heroes manages to stick around for a while. It makes me ache with nostalgia of the most sincere variety. It’s basically pictures of people dressing up as their superhero or sci-fi idols as kids, and brings back vivid memories of my own attempts to do the same when I was a uncomplicated, over-imaginative, pretty nerdy kid. There’s not as much photo evidence of this as I wish, but I would where Aquaman Underoos in the backyard pool, regularly fashioned Superman-esque capes out of blankets or pajama tops, and generally spent a good chunk of the time imagining myself as a superhero. And I was so earnest about it! It’s a shame real life knocks that out of us after a while.

Lil Batman.jpg