No one warned me that there’s no public transportation over here on Christmas day. Once again, I’m forced to admit that for all the deserved complaints that you can make about the the MTA, they still run 24-7. Which means that if I were spending a quiet holiday by myself in New York, I’d still be able to go out and stroll around, have some Chinese food, and maybe catch a movie.
Instead, I’m just glad I thought far enough ahead to buy some groceries, since I don’t live within walking distance of anything to see or do today.
I’m not grumbling about the quiet Christmas part. Not only do I need a day or two alone to unwind and sleep, but holiday madness tends to whip me into a frenzy of misanthropy this time of year, so the more I can avoid it the better. I was hoping, though, to have a lazy day of wandering about town, lost in thought and grabbing some cake and coffee now and then, and taking in the sights. Instead, I’ll just putter about home and watch movies. I may even take a shower if I’m feeling festive and the hot-water seems likely to work!
At least I have a coy of this bit of genius to keep me entertained. So everyone have a great day and a happy new year, and scream real loud!