Sex and the Pity

I was too tired to face the drunken hordes of Brighton last night, so I decided to just chill out and catch a late show of Sex and the City at the cinema near my hotel. There’s no point in giving a review of any kind, since there are so many others out there who are actually bothering. (Overall? Meh.) I just have a handful of quick thoughts:

  • Um, that’s not the lending library.

  • David Eigenberg is still my favorite of all the men who’ve been trotted out on that show over the years.

  • I’ve finally figured out who Samantha Jones has reminded me of all this time: Alison Steadman in Abigail’s Party.

    And that’s praise, not criticism.

  • Is it just me, or was the whole movie a lot more explicit about the label whoring and the obscene wealth of the characters than the show ever was? I mean, the references were always there, but it all just felt a lot more vulgar in the movie. Maybe it was just the effect of seeing so many of those aspects of the show crammed down your throat all at one time.

  • Oh, and there’s a term for this kind of script that comes at the end of a long-running series and tries to make everything hunky-dory in the most contrived ways: fan service.

  • It was weird to walk out of the fantasy version of my old home town and into the streets of Brighton on a Friday night. I couldn’t help but notice the trickle-down effect of the SATC dream as it manifests itself in the real world, elsewhere.

7 thoughts on “Sex and the Pity”

  1. I probably WON’T see it in the theaters and I dunno if I will when it hits the dvd stores either. I was never a big fan and don’t much care to see anything about it since the show ended 4 years ago and the hype around it these days is rapidly killing off what little caring I DO have.

  2. Yes! David Eigenberg is so much hotter than he even knows. John saw him naked on Broadway. Not bad, I’ve heard!

  3. David Eigenberg is wicked sexy, true.
    That, and I rooted for Steve from Day One. He was a *guy*–one you’d split a six pack with as you watched a game or played X-box.
    SATC may have had its over-the-top charms, but his character was one I kinda wanted to see more of. His interactions with Miranda were also among the best of the series.

  4. The Boom mic! Shit, I forgot to look for it. Well, there won’t be a repeat viewing, so maybe I’ll just wait for an inevitable YouTube montage of looming boom mic clips.

  5. I forgot to mention what startled me the most: I realized I’d never watched the show around women before. All the women in the theater were so invested in what was going on. They were yelling and clapping and crying. Weird. I just assumed detached bemusement was everyone else’s default reaction to the show, too.

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