One More Twas Shot

And we have another appearance of the ‘Twas photo with this review from the Voice. Again, there’s a disappointing lack of credit, but I’m more convinced than ever that the photography has really been helping this show get as much mileage in the press as it has. Now, I should also mention that the show was completely delightful, but it definitely helps when you can provide the press with some good visuals to promote your show.

Sumthin’ Jewy

’Tis the season when I start crabbing about how much I hate Christmas. It’s True! I really hate Christmas. Actually, I tend to have a perfectly lovely time on the day itself, being a big sap who appreciates the company of friends and loved ones, but the whole season leading up to it makes me wanna hurl. I hate the pressure, I hate the schmaltz, I hate the errands, I usually hate the weather. Miserable, all of it. And yes, I would like it more if I weren’t generally very poor and very busy this time of year. Since I’m exceptionally busy and exceptionally poor right now, I’m hatin’ Christmas like never before. My observance of the holiday will probably be limited to extravagances on the scale of a traditional Little House celebration, so I hope no one blinks if they get shiny new pennies or tin-foil stars this year. I’d much rather have a very special Arbor Day instead.

I’m very pleased, then, that we at the WYSIWYG Talent Show are thumbing our noses at the birth of Christ this year, and choosing to honor the Tribes this year:

Sumthin' Jewy This Way Comes
Here in the big city, everyone’s a little bit Jewish (which is one of those things that makes New York extra-awesome, in my opinion), so just say “No!” to Santa’s minions this year, and choose the Chosen People at P.S. 122 next Tuesday!