In case you’ve ended up here after reading James Withers’ New York Blade article, “Blog Star Confidential” — WELCOME! I hope you enjoy the show.
Speaking of enjoying the show, you really ought to read more about the WYSIWYG Talent Show that my sexy cohorts and I put on every month at P.S. 122. WYSIWYG is a monthly series of all-blogger readings and performances, we’ve been at it since February 2004, we’ve featured over 80 bloggers so far, and it’s awesome and you’ll love it. Also, cheaper than going to the movies!
Our next show, which promises to be the cattiest yet, is coming up on Tuesday, September 27 — First, Last, and Insecurity: The World’s Worst Roommates!
I’m going to end up on this list, aren’t I? That sink picture reminds me of the kitchen at the apartment in JP. Then again, the dart-gun snooze alarm probably makes a better story.
I wish I was there. So many stories to tell.