I Need a Wet Nap

In general, I’m fussy about my comics and fussy about my porn, so rarely do the two mix very well. Porn is tricky because often it’s either too generic or too specifically constructed to punch someone’s buttons other than my own. In the realm of illustrated erotica, where so much loving attention is paid to the artist’s own interests, my appreciation is usually limited to a sort of cool, non-sexual interest in the technique, or a critical roll of the eyes. On top of all that, It’s hard to tell a good story in a comic book, at least in a way where the writing, the art, and the appeal to someone’s imagination all come together in just the right way. Although I’ve seen lots of gay comic art that’s sexual in nature, it’s almost never struck the right balance of all those elements.

That’s why Sticky, from Eros Comix, was such an enormous, pleasant surprise. It does a beautiful job of telling a story in the comic medium, and it’s also pretty hot. My pal Andy mentions in a review of his own that it’s not very plot-heavy, which is technically true, but misleading. When I finally got my copy, I was actually pretty blown away by how well Dale Lazarov’s plotting and Steve MacIsaac’s artwork (there’s no dialogue, so I’m actually a little unsure where the the writer’s role ended and the artist’s began) told the story of one couple’s roll in the hay in exquisite, vivid detail. I don’t mean the sometimes excruciating detail of a porn movie, but the kind of details you might notice when you’re actually having sex with someone — a string of moments that can be hot, playful, tender, mischievous, and even a little funny.

I think that’s why this works as both porn and as a comic: the illustrated story feels real and not too contrived, with enough of the right elements thrown in to call to mind enough of my own romps. At the same time, it has great artwork that’s suited really well to this particular medium, and uses that to string together a story that wouldn’t be quite so compelling if told (or shown) another way. that’s quite a trick (oh god, I totally did not mean that as a pun), and I’m impressed they pulled it off. Now I’m all excited to see what the second issue has in store!


(Disclosure: Dale Lazarov wrote and asked me if I was interested in getting a review copy of the comic. I had already heard about it and wanted to read it, so I happily agreed. I warned him, though, that I would tell the truth. Since I’m such a pussycat, though, I’m glad I was able to tell the truth and still say good things about it.)

6 thoughts on “I Need a Wet Nap”

  1. Thanks for the lovely review 🙂 And thanks for noticing my role in the book! It’s a pulp fiction of moments and gestures and a character-based story developed through how they have sex with each other. I know, I know, I am a very pretentious guy. Blame Alan Moore, Ed Brubaker and Warren Ellis, who are my role models as a comics writer.
    As for the division of labor…the June (out in late April) issue of MANDATE has an interview with me. Here’s how I described our process to Gregg Shapiro: I come up with the concept of the story which I share with Steve to see if it turns him on (so to speak). Then I write a full script which breaks the action down into panels per page, describing all the essential elements of the characters, places and narrative, and only elaborate on something if it needs to be specific. It’s like a choreography script that’s broken down into snapshots. Steve then designs the characters and sends them back to me. I send him notes for fine-tuning. He then draws out the pages by following my breakdown of the action when it draws out well or improves on it if he thinks of a better way to present the action. He sends that breakdown to me and I give him notes. He then does a full draft of the pages and sends them back and I give him notes to fine tune things. I love working with Steve because we’re so much on the same wavelength, and when we’re not, we’re complementary. This is all done on computers through the internet; this allows us to work together even though we may not be anywhere close to each other.
    Thanks again!
    PS — Saw your pic… WOOF!!!

  2. Hm, I just tried to order a copy through Eros’ site, and it seems like their credit card system is broken, or at least not mac friendly. How will I get my indie gay porn comic fix?

  3. Dale, thanks for the rundown of the way you guys collaborated: it was exactly what I was hoping for. In fact, it’s not so unlike PJ and I running this site from two different cities. But at for Sticky, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the second issue.

  4. You don’t have to be a dork to order indie gay porn comix by phone. But it helps. 🙂
    Steve and I are discussing the promo images for #2 so you will get a little preview through Sticky Notes in the next few weeks…

  5. What a great service! I’m rushing out to get “Sticky” now. And I think Ii’m going to steal your phrase “wet nap” – it’s priceless!

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