Are Killer Aibos Inevitable?

I’ve been gushing already about the new Battlestar Galactica on my other site so I won’t repeat my praises here. One of the commenters, though, was bemoaning the new show’s lack of Muffit, the robot pal of young Boxy.

I loved Muffit and miss him in the new show, but the more I thought about it the more I realized he wouldn’t work so easily in a story whose premise is based on a society living in terror of artificial intelligence run amok. There would be too strong a taboo against creating a robot dog that could learn how to love. They’d be too scared it would turn into a nightmare scenario like in Grant Morrison’s We3. Of course, it could also be pretty awesome if it turned into a scenario like the geniusness of We3, but it’s probably not what the writers have in mind.

Still, can’t you just picture it?

MuffitNice puppy

So, So, So Gay

There’s a brilliant, brilliant collection of mini-stories over at Joe. My. God. right now, with a whole bunch of us recounting some of our gayest moments ever. Obviously, when we put together this June’s first-anniversary show of That’s So Gay!, we’ll have to surpass not only the first show but this astounding list of anecdotes.

Personally, I’d have to say the gayest thing I ever did was that time I had sex with a guy. But then I suppose it was a whole lot gayer when I had sex with that other guy. Or that other time I had sex with a guy, maybe. Yeah, that was pretty gay, too. But somehow that doesn’t compare with the sheer, overwhelming gayness of the story posted by Riley about his friend who hosted an orgy in the ’70s, during which Liberace insisted on hiding his jewelry in the air vents so it wouldn’t get lost in the fray.