I’ve been gushing already about the new Battlestar Galactica on my other site so I won’t repeat my praises here. One of the commenters, though, was bemoaning the new show’s lack of Muffit, the robot pal of young Boxy.
I loved Muffit and miss him in the new show, but the more I thought about it the more I realized he wouldn’t work so easily in a story whose premise is based on a society living in terror of artificial intelligence run amok. There would be too strong a taboo against creating a robot dog that could learn how to love. They’d be too scared it would turn into a nightmare scenario like in Grant Morrison’s We3. Of course, it could also be pretty awesome if it turned into a scenario like the geniusness of We3, but it’s probably not what the writers have in mind.
Still, can’t you just picture it?