Gimme Wood

Did you know that last Thursday was the fifth anniversary of this blog? I’ve been diddling with web sites for slightly longer, but my very first entry made with an automated posting tool. Blogging these days is so widespread, so taken for granted, so cliché that it amazes me that only five short years ago it was a curious fringe activity that was a little embarrassing to explain. Time sure flies when you’re trailblazing a minor media phenomenon, eh?

Of course, long-time readers will surely realize that I don’t put quite as much energy into the site as much anymore. Once a thought crystallizes during tea and toast in the morning or during evening chit-chat, It’s not as interesting for me to hash it out again later. I have my flashes of pith, but I don’t work out ideas in writing as much anymore. This could change at any time, of course, but it’s the way things go right now. Don’t abandon me yet, though: here’s still plenty of scandal and sass to read in the archives until my muse knocks me upside the head again. (And I guarantee that not one of you has read everything that I’ve buried in there.)

Thanks for all these years of playing along at home! Rock on!