That’s So Gay!

WYSIWYG Talent Show

There won’t be a better way to celebrate Pride this summer than dragging your butts over to P.S. 122 to watch me and some other bloggers who actually have talent reminisce at the WYSIWYG Talent Show. It’ll be fun! I’ll be confessing to all the sissiest details I can think of, and I’ll be upstaged by the likes of Kythryne Aisling, Jimbo, Kiri, Bob (he’s Yer Uncle), the Everlasting Blogstalker, Faustus, M.D., and The Hazzards. Come watch my stage-fright meltdown!

5 thoughts on “That’s So Gay!”

  1. I really like the paint swatch sign. Doesn’t make me feel all dirty like the cake did, though.

  2. Wish I could be there, Sparky–you’ll do great! The sign for the event is pure genius…and it reminds me of my own gayer than gay story (I’ll keep it short): A friend of mine who shall remain nameless (but who is gayer than Gay Gayerson) loves to celebrate people’s birthdays by going to paint stores, selecting paint chips and strips like the ones in the sign, and then giving them as his “gift” to the birthday boy or girl. “Happy birthday, [insert recipient here], I picked out this COLOR STORY for you!” He’s always so genuinely enthusiastic about it that we have to love him for it.
    Break a leg!

  3. Damn – I was intending to call my book “that’s so gay”. Can I still do it?

  4. I don’t see why not, Lubin. But if your publisher steals the idea for my flyer design, then I shall demand compensation!

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