
Be sure and drag yourself to Ladies First… tomorrow night. I’ll be taking tickets at the door, so be sure to say “howdy” if we haven’t met already. Like I mentioned before, The WYSIWYG Talent Shows have all been outstanding so far, and this installment promises to be even more fun than usual.

Chris and Andy have been doing a fantastic job of curating and putting on these events, and you owe it to yourselves to see the fruits of their labor. If you can’t make it tomorrow, you can always try again next month when I finally take a stab at telling a story of my own for “That’s SO Gay: Tales of Extremely Gay Gayness.”

By the way, have you been checking out Culturebot? Supporting the WYSIWYG Talent Show is far from the only thing Andy’s been doing over there. It’s really turning into a great source of perspectives on what’s going on in the underpublicized downtown arts scene. (“Downtown” in this sense not being so much about location as about the spirit of it.)
