So Worst. Sex. Ever. was a total hit last night. Way more, I think, than anyone involved thought it would possibly be. Chris was worried that she might not scrape together enough in ticket sales to pay for the lighting guy, but that fear evaporated when we realized that people were lining up outside the door to get in. I think about 40 people had to be turned away, even after peope were let in to just sit on the floor of the space. The crowd was totally into it, and the brave souls who read their sorry tales totally rocked the mic.
I can not stress this enough: the readers were great, and kept us all in stitches, occasionally having us squirm in emotional or physical sympathy. Yes, it is funny because it’s true.
It was also good to see some props given to the kind of bloggers that I’ve been trying to keep up with over the years: not ranty political bloggers or hand-wringing teenagers, but really smart and funny people who love to write and spin a good yarn, and who gravitated to the web as a way to tell stories or vent a little in an easy, no-fuss kind of way.
The whole event really made me think about how much I’ve neglected UltraSparky for a while now, or at least not used it the same way as I once did. that’s all fine and good, because the space is mine to do with as I please, but I guess the point is that I’ve gotten lazy about doing anything with it that I’d like to do.
I started blogging as a way to work on my writing, and it energized me and helped me in ways I wouldn’t have guessed. After a couple of years, though, when I found myself in that spot where I was writing out of a certain desperatin to get a grip on my very troubled head and heart, the notion of maintaining this site for pleasure fell by the wayside. When I got my self back together and got back on track with one extraordinarily special individual who gives me a natural sounding board for my daily musings and whatnot, this site became an occasional chore or memo board.
As Charlie and I kept saying last night, we still have plenty of stories left to tell (and plenty of stories left to experience) but maybe we just need to remind ourselves once in a while that there’s some payoff of some kind or another in making the effort to tell them now and again.