Huh boy, what a day this turned out to be. Nice enough day off, catching up on some overdue sleep. I was hoping for a leisurely time running errands, maybe a haircut and a nap after taking Andy down to the vet to have a tick removed and a lump on his ear looked at.
The doctor wasn’t in the first time, so Andy and I just had a little stroll and planned to go back later. After grabbing a couple of slices from the Pizza Twins around the block, I brought the little fella back. I brought his muzzle, since he gets a little uppity around other animals. There was strange kitty that was making him anxious, so I picked him up and coddled him like a baby to keep him calm.
Then this big, black dog came out from one of the rooms in the back, and Andy went fucking apeshit. I tried holding him still, but he got all squirmy and clawed at me and jumped down. I had a firm grip on his leash so he didn’t get a chance to bolt across the waiting room, but he was still all mental, clawing away at his muzzle and trying to pull his head out of his collar. I managed to quiet him down, but then noticed blood all over my hands.
I immediately got panicky, but as I wash trying to wipe the blood off Andy’s paw I realized that he was the one who was bleeding, not me there was a bit of a gusher on his left front paw. Leaving bloody paw prints across the floor, I brought him to the desk to get some paper towels and tried my best to keep him calm until the vet was available.
The tick was no trouble and the lump on his ear was harmless and easily removed, but it turned out that his paw was a bit more troublesome. While I held him down and cooed sweet, calming things into Andy’s ear, the vet shaved down the paw to get a closer look. Our sweet, little puppy wuppy was so eager to get his muzzle off so he could try and “play with” a strange dog twice his size that he just about ripped one of his own claws out of his paw. Since it was the claw, there was no way to stitch the wound closed, so the vet had to just wrap up Andy’s paw in layers of bandages that will have to stay put for a few days until things get better. Oh, and then there’s the antibiotics and the ear drops and the follow-up appointment he’ll need if the wound starts bleeding again once the bandages come of in a few days.
Of course, he’s only able to hobble around now, so I had to carry him most of the way home because he kept lying down and sighing every time we paused at an intersection. Now he’s home and sleepy making sad faces. (See below.)
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Frankly, I think he did the whole thing on purpose to make us feel bad for him since he knows we’re trying to find him a better home.