Lies! Lies! Lies! Ye-ah!

AAAAAAARRGH! Again! And again! And again! And again! And again! What the fuck is wrong with everybody? It’s not alien trickery, and it’s more than just media bias. It’s us that’s part of the problem, even if we’re paying attention to what’s actually happening. It’s not even a new problem!

Last night I went to a fantastic AIGA event called Hell No: Designers and The War, where I got to hear an incredible array of people try to express their frustration, their anger, their stupefication, and even a little bit of their hope about the state of our union. Sure, they were preaching to the choir, but the feeling was pervasive that no one was really appreciating how far out of control things are going.

Trying to think of stuff to spread around on stickers or posters or something, I scrawled this stuff in my notebook:

  • If you REALLY loved this country you’d be furious at the people running it.
  • So why CAN’T we change anything?
  • What else do they have to do before we do something about it?
  • America and its government are not the same thing. We’re ALLOWED to disapprove.

Ugh. Feeling powerless again…

2 thoughts on “Lies! Lies! Lies! Ye-ah!”

  1. Strange that you make a reference to “They Live.” I just recently watched my copy again and the movie speaks volumes about our current state of affairs. Americans need to put on those sun glasses that Roddy Piper’s character discovered and see what’s really going on.
    In all my years (56 to be exact) I never thought I’d see our country become what it is today, a dark dark day indeed.

  2. How about something along the lines of: “It’s not Un-American to dislike the Administration.” Put it on a shirt and I’d buy it — at the very least it’s better than “Anywhere but Pianos”…

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