Why do I feel like we’re all filling out someone’s slam book? Oh wait, because we’re basically doing the fin de siècle version of that. We really are just 14-year-old girls at heart:
I have: work that I should be doing
I see: clearly now, the rain is gone
I need: to be out of debt
I find: lint in my bellybutton
I want: A room with a view, or at least a cellular signal
I have: more good friends than I have time to enjoy
I wish: that thing never happened (more realistically, though: treats)
I love: all of you, each and every one
I hate: only two people, because they hurt people who deserved better
I miss: solvency
I fear: more now than ever
I feel: lonelier than I care to admit
I hear: the hum of a tiny fan, the low rumble of the HVAC
I smell: I’m rubber and you’re glue…
I crave: a grilled cheese and bacon
I search: for a fella who’ll keep me on my toes, but in a good way
I wonder: Do you hear me when you sleep?
I regret: Oh, if you only knew…
When was the last time you…
Smiled: This morning, but that’s easy
Laughed: Last night, a lot
Cried: Last month, but I choked it back
Bought something: 3 hours ago
Danced: Why, just last night, a little. A few weeks ago, in earnest
Were sarcastic: When do I stop?
Kissed someone: Wednesday night
Talked to an ex: Sunday before last
Watched your favorite movie: Yeah, like I could narrow down to a favorite
Had a nightmare: Can’t remember
Last book you read: Open Secret : Gay Hollywood, 1928-2000, David Ehrenstein
Last movie you saw: 101 Reykjavik
Last song you heard: “Ain’t Nobody’s Business But My Own,” Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Jordan
Last thing you had to drink: Snapple, the sugary monkey on my back
Last time you showered: 4 hours ago
Last thing you ate: Boston creme doughnut
Smoke: Nope
Do drugs: Not even once
Have sex: Now and then, at irregular intervals
Sleep with stuffed animals: Nope
Live in the moment: At least a couple of times a day
Had a dream that keeps coming back: Not for a few years. Too bad, because I miss the flying.
Play an instrument: Only in a metaphorical sense
Believe there is life on other planets: Oh yeah
Remember your first love: Sure do
Still love him/her: I love her more then ever
Read the newspaper: On a Palm Pilot
Have any gay or lesbian friends: Er, you do read this site, right?
Believe in miracles: I believe I’ll never be able to explain everything that happens, and I like that
Believe it’s possible to remain faithful forever: I suppose that depends on how you define “faithful”
Consider yourself tolerant of others: Much more than I ought to be
Consider love a mistake: Egads, no! Specific instances, maybe.
Like the taste of alcohol: Blech!
Have a favorite candy: Reese’s peanut butter cups, really good marzipan
Believe in astrology: No, despite being a textbook example of Virgo
Believe in God: Shyeah, right
Believe in magic: I kinda wish I did
Pray: Only facetiously
Go to church: I try to avoid it
Have any pets: Just the spiders and the mosquitoes
Talk to strangers who IM you: Not if I can’t identify them
Wear hats: Only under duress
Have any piercings: Not any more
Have any tattoos: Three, with more planned
Hate yourself: Not like I used to
Have an obsession: that’s a strong word, don’t you think?
Have a secret crush: I have a backlog of them
Collect anything: Woodtype, old signs, foreign coins, art books, self-esteem problems
Have a best friend: An embarrassment of riches in that category
Wish on stars: A little corny, don’t you think?
Like your handwriting: Despite what you see, no
Have any bad habits: Shall we start with the “A” section?
Care about looks: See “self-esteem problems,” above
Believe in witches: Not as much as they believe in themselves
Believe in Satan: Oh, please
Believe in ghosts: I just chalk that up to unexplained phenomena
Play along, kids! Drop me links to your answers in the comments section.