Things could get wacky here this summer. I don’t mean “here” as in this site, although there could be spillage into my online life, but “here” as in my house, since I’m taking in a lodger for the summer. My old roommate David, he of the Twine Tour, is going to be in town for the summer working on a movie and we figured that we could solve the problem of his accomodations and my rent increase with one fell swoop. I haven’t had a non-romantic roommate in a long time, and I have no interior walls in my loft, so this should be kooky.
Of course, things have always been kooky for David and I. When we first met, small-world factor reared it’s ugly head when he realized that the year before a good friend of his had been telling him about a guy (me) he met at a movie who also had a copy (just like David’s) of the photo-novelization of Can’t Stop the Music, the Village People movie. Kismet! Our kitsch-loving paths would be forever intertwined from then on.
In other news of kookiness, the new episode of Ooze is finally out, much to the dismay of the easily offended everywhere. My oldest pal Eddie and his cronies continue to spread the word of juvenile antics. Be sure to check out their promotional video for PWEETA, People Who Enjoy Eating Tasty Animals.