Minor Celebrity Sightings of the Week: I was out at The Cock last Saturday and saw internet personality Jonno, who’s cute but stockier than I thought. I also touched Rufus Wainwright’s butt as I squeezed out of the bar.
Aside from that I guess it was a busy week socially, but I’m feeling a little down about it because of the ambiguous goings on with the first really interesting guy I’ve met in a while. I hate when shit like that brings me down. It seems like such a silly thing to throw me into such a big funk that gets me all lazy and depressed.
Not to mention the ever-looming school tuition issue. That’s a real spirit-booster. Wow, I can’t wait to go thousands of dollars further into debt so I can take a few more classes. This master’s degree better be worth all the hassle and the debt. But ask me about it again when I’m in a better mood and better able to rhapsodize about the importance of education.
Thank goodness I finally bought the South Park soundtrack. Thats’s been making me quite happy. “It seems that everything’s gone wrong since Canada came along. Blame Canada! Blame Canada!”
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