Dan Rhatigan on Typographic Tattooing from SVA Summer Residency Programs on Vimeo.
Just for the sake of reference, here’s a list of my tattoos:
- R from unknown wood type
- & from Poetica by Robert Slimbach
- ü from Meta Bold by Erik Spiekermann
- s from Fette Fraktur
- K from the old Krispy Kreme logo
- g from Baskerville, based on types of John Baskerville
- § from Champion Gothic Middleweight by Jonathan Hoefler
- 7 from Century Oldstyle Bold by Morris Fuller Benton
- y from Cooper Black Italic by Oswald Cooper
- W from Whitney Bold by Tobias Frere-Jones
- z from Stilla by François Boltana
- r from Maple Medium by Eric Olson
- 2 from Ingeborg Block by Michael Hochleitner
- w from Actium Black Italic by Gerben Dollen
- a from Dolly Italic by Underware
- e from Sodachrome (Left and Right) by Ian Moore and Dan Rhatigan
- Y from Banco by Roger Excoffon
- Å from Leyton by Ian Moore
- C from De Little 30-Line 196
- H from Calypso by Roger Excoffon
- é from Gill Sans Ultrabold (Gill Kayo) by Eric Gill
- B from Festival Titling by Phillip Boydell
- ø from Bell Centennial Bold Listing by Matthew Carter
- N from Balega by Jürgen Weltin (based on Nebiolo Resolut by H Brünnel)
- Q from Electra Bold by William Addison Dwiggins
- s from Franklin Gothic No. 2 by Morris Fuller Benton
- R from unknown wood type (seen in Aldo Noverese’s Alfa-Beta)
- 9 from Frankfurter Highlight by Alan Meeks
- N from Wood Font Four by Intellecta Design (after Rustic No. 2, and various 19th century sources)
- J from Blesk by Samarskaya & Partners
- . from Helvetica by Max Miedinger, et al.
- • from Times New Roman by Stanley Morison, Victor Lardent, et al.
- T from ITC Fat Face by Tom Carnese and Herb Lubalin
- L from Profil (Decorated 035) by Eugen and Max Lenz
- ġ from Hobeaux by James Edmondson
- q from Ryman Eco by Dan Rhatigan
- » from Ohm by Tal Leming
- ¶ from Quire Sans by Jim Ford
- a from Network by Dan Rhatigan
- U from Egyptienne Bold Condensed by Walter H. McKay
- m from Lo-Res (Base 9) by Zuzana Licko
- d from PMN Caecilia Italic by Peter Matthias Noordzij
- S by Louis John Pouchée
- M from Shatter by Vic Carless
- X from Flash by Enric Crous Vidal
- c from Bely by Roxanne Gataud
- G from Monotype Modern Display by Dan Rhatigan
- 1 from Microgramma by Alessandro Butti and Aldo Novarese
- O from Gotham by Tobias Frere-Jones
- D from Chromatic Mexican by Wm. H. Page & Co.
- A from PLINC Slapstick by S. E. Norton, by way of Erik van Blokland
- E from Babyteeth by Milton Glaser
- ? from Ringold Sans/Slab by Dan Rhatigan
- Y from Stop by Aldo Novarese
- B lettering illustration from How to Write Signs, Tickets, and Posters
With Numerous Engravings and Diagrams - V from Benguiat Caslon by Ed Benguiat and Christian Schwartz
- u from Swift by Gerard Unger
- ő from Capucine by Alice Savoie
- W from Brylski by Nick Sherman
- — from Buckram by Dan Rhatigan
- . from Buckram by Dan Rhatigan
- – from Buckram by Dan Rhatigan
- * from Buckram by Dan Rhatigan
- , from Buckram by Dan Rhatigan
- Д from Lidia by Iraida Chepil (with annotation)
- H from Schelter & Giesecke’s Schriftenatlas, 1898
- X from Kaemmerer’s Letter Book, 1911
- § from Coign by Colophon
- F from Caslon Four-line pica Black no. 1
- У from a 19th-century decorated Russian alphabet found in Декоративные Шрифты для Художественно-Оформительских Работ (Decorative Fonts For Artistic And Design Works), 1987
- i from Caslon Ionic by Paul Barnes and Greg Gazdowicz
- L from Olivita by Rodrigo Saini
- a from Francesco by Franck Jalleau
- 5 from Marian 1554 by Paul Barnes, Sandra Carrera, and Miguel Reyes
- ij from Fit by David Jonathan Ross
- [seal of the International Typographical Union]
- Z from Macula by Jacques Le Bailly
- f from Garino by Julien Fincker
- e from Metro Nova by William Addison Dwiggins and Toshi Omagari
- .notdef from Source Sans by Paul D. Hunt (.notdef form conceived by David Lemon)