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June 2009

And you're crawling like a...

In these grim times, let us not forget some of the sublime pleasures of the lesser Jacksons:

CentipedeRebbie Jackson

I’m not even being funny. I love, and have always loved this track. Embedding is disabled for the video on YouTube, but you really ought to check it out.

It's heartbreaking because it's true

Calvin and Hobbes


This year, I finally got sucked in and become one of the "ironic non-idiots":

I also gave into peer pressure and reactivated my long-defunct Facebook profile, even though the whole tign still kinda gets on my nerves. Between that and The Apprentice, I think it's time for me to completely abandon any kind of indie cred I’ve been clinging to.

Special note: Let's all pretend that I decided to ignore this site for the entire month on purpose, like some kind of summer vacation, OK?


Sex Pistols auction

See that Sex Pistols flyer above? It's being auctioned by Christie's with a starting bid of $2,000-$3,000. The thing is, though, it's totally a fake. You know how you can tell? Typeface analysis. And the gratuitous use of Comic Sans isn't the only clue.

Sex Pistols flyer

Update: Thanks for the link, BoingBoing! Hello people of the internet!

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