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February 2003
Snowy Night
It's nice to already know that I’ve got a snow day tomorrow, but I have to admit I’m getting a little stir crazy. A weekend in was nice, but now I feel a little stuck. There's been a little bit of precipitation lately...

I can't wait to see how much more piles up by morning.
We're Number 1!
Mom, I’m sure you'll be proud of this one. Thanks to a brief, flippantly worded film review I did a while back I am now the internet's number-one search result for freaky gay porn. This bashful, sweet Irish-Catholic boy who's become quite the homebady lately finds this endlessly amusing. Almost amusing as the comments that keep piling up for that entry.
The hitch, of course, is that I have no freaky gay porn to offer. Suckers!
Guernica Nixed
The United Nations has decided that their reproduction of Pablo Picasso's Guernica should be covered by a curtain (sound familiar?) because it "would not be an appropriate background if the ambassador of the United States at the U.N. John Negroponte, or [Colin] Powell talk about war surrounded with women, children and animals shouting with horror and showing the suffering of the bombings." Yes, I could see where the irony would be a bit too much, especially if you were trying to make the case for a massive military action that can't seen to properly justify itself. Still, isn't the whole raison d'être of the painting to illustrate the unnecessary cruelty inherent to war? It seems like the U.N. is doing its own values (and a pretty significant part of our cultural heritage)an injustice by agreeing to cover the mural for the sake of good press photos.