Other Projects and Stuff
Pink Mince

I’ve occasionally published zines zines over the years, but of them all Pink Mince — “For the confirmed bachelor of exceptional taste” — has become the real labor of love. Get yourself a copy, or follow along on the Pink Mince mood board blog.
Design Portfolio

I pay my bills working as a typeface designer (and occasionally speaking about design and typography). Please have a look at some past projects in case you’re curious about the custom type design, graphic design, and type-related research I’ve done in the past.
Gina and Typeface Design at the University Reading

In 2007 I finished an MA in typeface design at the University of Reading in the U.K. It was one of the most extraordinary years of my life, and type design was only one of the many things I learned during it. Have a look at my thesis project, Gina, as well as have a look at some of my writing, reseach, and photography from that year.
From Sparky's Sketchbook
I may pay the rent with my nerdly skills, but long before I ever touched a computer or thought about code I kept myself busy by drawing, drawing, drawing. Every now and then I dig up some of those old drawings and remember that I was developing some skills, and I take another crack at some life drawing to sharpen my eyes and hands before I lose those skills altogether. See the results...
Not really a project, but a bit of record-keeping. The Playlist is a comprehensive record of every singer, musician, or band I've ever seen live (subject to gaps in my memory).